

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Year New Blog

Wow! It’s been forever since I sat down and did a little updating. First off let’s explain the new blog. I originally started The Start of Something Special when we found out we were going to be parents. Then that took an abrupt change when Luke was born. Since then for the first 2 years of Luke’s life and especially the first year of his life I gave more minute-by-minute updates. I feel like that time has come to a close and it’s time to move to Luke’s big accomplishments and issues that come up occasionally. So this new blog was formed. I came up with name a good couple of months ago, but with everything else that was going on around her I just didn’t start it up. So that time is now…

A quick update of the family as a whole: Jonathin has a new job as of mid December. Instead of driving to Bremen he now drives to Niles, MI Monday through Friday. No more weekend work and it is normal schedule…woot woot! Around the same time Jonathin switched jobs I finally finished my degree and I am DONE with school!  This now leaves me looking for a job in an area I like, and a schedule that can adapt to Luke’s schedule. Other than that the regular life is pretty regular.

Now lets get to the star of the show…LUCAS! Can I just say HOLY CATFISH! All of a sudden these past 2 weeks he has been making leaps and bounds around here.  He has begun putting things where they actually are supposed to go. For example: puzzle pieces and parts of toys. I know this doesn’t sound too exciting, but around here it is. From a kid just a couple months ago that only threw toys across the room to now being able to control his motions. He can now hand us things and control his movements. This has also carried over to eating. He now wants to feed himself with a spoon. Wow, can we say messy. At one point I just had to let him go with his spaghetti and I poured myself a glass of wine and watched. It is just the clean freak in me I guess.

Along with eating we now can order him food at restaurants. It might just be French fries but it something. He likes to sit there and eat right along with us. He does so much better in restaurants if we just let him be also. He doesn’t want us messing with his food. He is funny like that. Once it is in front of him it is his, don’t touch!

He is standing more and more each day with our help and the help of his awesome IU AFO’s (leg braces). I think they just give him more confidence each day. He still fights it at times, but then he realizes he is standing and starts to enjoy it. He also has realized he needs to protect himself when he falls, but now he uses his arms. This is big, before he would just fall.

The biggest news here lately is that he is getting up on his hands and knees by himself!!!! HUGE HUGE HUGE!!!! I think the first couple times it was by accident, but he is doing it regularly now and just looks at us and laughs. The first time he did it Jonathin was the only one home and he thinks Grandma helped Luke up. Jonathin thinks my grandma is being sneaky and giving Luke a little help since she was so adamant about getting him sitting and crawling before she passed away. I wouldn’t put it past her. He is so close to the point of crawling. I would say within the next month or two he might just be leaving rolling in the past and moving forward…literally. Hopefully I caught everyone up around here.  We’re trying to get a new schedule going around here so when I do start working it won’t be too much of a change and hopefully I can then update more often again.

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